raku: genius

Larry Wall, your genius, like a patient etherized upon a table,
Amidst the code, you spun a different fable.
In the realm of Perl and Raku, your mark does show,
A modern-day J. Alfred Prufrock, with code to bestow.

You measured out your life in lines of code,
With syntax sweet, your creations boldly showed.
And, in your genius, like Prufrock, you dare to ask,
“Do I dare to innovate?” It’s quite a task.

You pondered, like Prufrock, your place and role,
Amidst the sea of code, you played your part, a vital soul.
With Perl and Raku, your legacy unfurls,
A modern coder’s world of intricate swirls.

So, Larry Wall, in technology’s realm you tread,
Like Prufrock, with thoughts that filled your head.
In the world of coding, your brilliance does gleam,
A modern-day Prufrock in the digital dream.

Attribution to T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” via chat.openai.com

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